
他好像是个畸形??狮子哪有那般长像? 最大的愿望是能够有机会向母亲显示自己的实力,证明他有能力当个好领袖。最后由于过于莽撞,死在了乱木之下。 Nuka, the misunderstood son of Zira. Tries to do everything he can to get attention from Zira. Even though that kills him. He was killed while trying to catch Simba when they climbed upon a large pile of logs at the waterfall, one log falls over Nuka and crushes him. So he dies.

努卡 Nuka
斯华西里语语义:臭味 Meaning of the Name in Swahili: Stink
吉娜的长子,维塔尼高孚的长兄。 Oldest son of Zira, Brother of Vitani and Kovu.
配音 Voice Provider Andy Dick